Thursday, November 5, 2015

Skirts Love

Variety of skirts.

Generally we just put on our dresses but do not know what kind it is. So a little knowledge about the variety of the skirts and styling of a skirt.

These are some variety of skirts in the market these days. Skirts are back in trend now a days. U can experiment with any variety and be the diva.

For making the changing of outfits more easy. Here are 4 ways to style the same skirt for different occasion. 
From casual morning college to the late dinner date, you will not need fo change it completely. Just change from morning sweat shirt to blazer or crop top, depending on where u want to go.

Fashion Styles

Style No. 1

The Boyfriend Jeans Style

What is boyfriend jeans??
Boyfriend jeans are little baggy, not skinny style.
If u are looking for something not skinny but still want denim. This is a way to go. Boyfriend jeans are in so trend these days. You can style it with a variety of things. I have styled mine with a plaid shirt and heels. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015



A variation in the wayfarer or trimming of the wayfarer or a more classy form of wayfarer.
Originally created in 1947 and has been in style from a long time but gained popularity recently.

This versatile style of shades suits best on oval shape face. Round sunglasses work great for heart shaped faces to soften features. This shape is perfect to add width to lower part of the face.

If you love sunglasses and want to beat the heat in this damn-it summer, the shade is for you. These  go well with any outfit, specially with roll up of cuffs on your pants or sleeves. So go for it and you'll be on the way to turn the heads on the runway.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



Soo whats the best way for a dude to tie a scarf???
How does a man tie a scarf???

These questions are common for guyz in street style. So i have provided u 8 different ways to carry a scarf in a masculine way from classic "over hand" to complicated "reverse drape tuck". Either you pair it with t shirt or shirt, summer or winter, casual or classy...anything u like.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Broken Lipstick????


NO PROBLEM.....!!!!!


Step 1: Take your broken lipstick.
Step 2: Melt the end attached to the tube..

Step 3: Quickly attach the top to the lipstick and melt sides to blend.

Step 4: Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes and broken lipstick problem is fixed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I have been trying to start up a blog from sometime and hopefully this time I will stick to it.[fingers crossed] This is my first fashion blog. The reason for creating this blog is to express my fashion thoughts. I am going to write and express about my love (fashion). Fashion is something which makes me excited, and whats get me dreaming all day. fashion gives everyone a chance to express themselves and show their own style whether its traditional or urban or street style or anything else. I am going to post about everything related to fashion starting from your outfit to the makeup and accessories to complete your look. I hope this blog helps you in improving your fashion style and be the one among millions or the stellatoes among the flats.

Thats it for today. Good night/ Good morning depending on where you are in the world.

Love, Shefali